our mission

We are revolutionizing courier transport

Our primary goal is to transform the courier industry by providing innovative and ecological transport solutions. Our electric bikes are not only a faster and more efficient way to make urban deliveries, but also a step towards a future where urban mobility is sustainable, accessible to all and environmentally friendly.

How to rent?
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From idea to innovation

Reactor.Bike was created out of passion for technology. Our journey began with the first prototype. We quickly realized that our bikes could change the face of courier transport, making it faster, more efficient and environmentally friendly.



Experts with passion

The Reactor.Bike team is a group of unique people united by a common vision and commitment to the future of urban transport. From engineers and designers to customer service specialists, each member of our community brings their own unique skills and passion to the company. Together we work to offer the best products and services that meet the needs of our customers and contribute to a better tomorrow.


our commitment

Work eco-friendly, drive electric

We use electric service vehicles and solar energy to minimize our impact on the environment. We strive to ensure that every aspect of our business reflects our care for the planet, from the sustainable materials used in our bicycles to the green operating practices in our offices. At Reactor.Bike, every kilometer ridden on our bike is a step towards a green future.